Title Background

YLS Volume 25 (2011)

YLS Volume 25 (2011)


(ISBN 978-2-503-53656-9)



Jill Mann, “Some Observations on ‘Structural Annotation'”     1

Andrew Galloway, “Non-literary Commentary and its Literary Profits: The Road to Accounting-ville”     9

Andrew Cole, “Commentaries on Unknown Texts: On Morton Bloomfied and Friedrich Nietzsche”     25

Traugott Lawler, “Langland Versificator”     37

Michael Van Dussen, “Parsing the Peacock: Langland’s Wills and the Limits of voluntas”     77

Ellen K. Rentz, “Half-Acre Bylaws: Harvest-Sharing in Piers Plowman”     95

John Burrow, “An Alliterative Pattern in Piers Plowman B”     117

Miceal F. Vaughan, “Where is Wille Buried? Piers Plowman, A.12.105″     131

S. Melissa Winders, “‘Bad, harsk spech and lewit barbur tong’: Gavin Douglas’s Langandian Prologue”     137

Stephen Yeager, “Lollardy in Mum and the Sothsegger: A Reconsideration”     161

Gordon Teskey, “Review Essay: Langland’s Golden Bough” (review of Copeland and Struck, eds., The Cambridge Companion to Allegory)     189



Edwin D. Craun, Ethics and Power in Medieval English Reformist Writing (Derrick Pitard)     197

John A. Burrow and Hoyt N. Duggan, eds., Medieval Alliterative Poetry: Essays in Honour of Thorlac Turville-Petre (Stephanie Trigg)     201

Lawrence Warner, The Lost History of “Piers Plowman” (Simon Horobin)     204

Jessica Barr, Willing to Know God: Dreamers and Visionaries in the Late Middle Ages (Sister Mary Clemente Davlin, OP)     207

David Adams and Lawrence Warner, “Annotated Bibliography, 2010”     213