The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive V: London, V: London, British Library, MS Additional 35287 (M).
This CD-ROM, with full-colour digital facsimiles and documentary texts of London, British Library, Additional MS 35287 [M], is the fifth volume of the Piers Plowman Electronic Archive, an international collaborative project devoted to electronic publication of all the medieval and renaissance witnesses to L’s PPl. Recognized as one of the central witnesses to the B text, M has the peculiar interest of a very extensive range of contemporary corrections and a mass of nearly contemporary and later annotations. These can only be represented by the combined hypertextual view of the text linked to colour digital images. Each facsimile image is hypertextually linked to the edited text that is itself presented in four different views: a diplomatic type-facsimile; a scribal text that includes iconic indications of scribal error; a critical text with lapsus calami corrected; and an AllTags view that shows all of the editorial interventions on one screen.
Rev. by:
- Brian Morgan, Medium Ævum, 77 (2008), 173–75;
- Karl Reichl, Anglia, 126 (2008), 551-57;
- Sarah Wood, Notes and Queries, 56 (2009), 450-51
- Martin Foys, YLS, 26 (2012), 277-86;
- Stephen A. Barney, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 34 (2012), 396-401.