The Morton Bloomfield Lectures 1989-2005, 1989-2005
Of the eleven lectures reprinted in the book, five focus on PPl. Three have been noticed in earlier bibliographies: George Kane, ‘Poets and the Poetics of Sin’ (see ‘Annual Bibliography, 1993’, YLS, 8 [1994], item 31); Jill Mann, ‘Langland and Allegory’, The Morton W. Bloomfield Lectures on Medieval English Literature, II, Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 1992 (see ‘Annual Bibliography, 1994’, YLS, 9 [1995], item 46); and Kathryn Kerby-Fulton, ‘”The Place of the Apocalyptic View of History in the Later Middle Ages” and the Legacy of Morton Bloomfield’, published in Books Under Suspicion (see ‘Annual Bibliography, 2007’, YLS, 21 [2008], item 15). For the two that have not been previously noticed, see items 54 and 61.