The Collected Papers of Nevill Coghill Shakespearean and Medievalist., Shakespearean and Medievalist.
With an introduction by the editor, reprints inter alia “Langland: Piers Plowman” (74-105) [originally in the series Writers and their Work (London: Longmans, 1964)]; “The Character of Piers Plowman Considered from the B Text” (106-36) [MAE 2 (1933): 108-35]; The Pardon of Piers Plowman (137-98) [Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture read 28 February 1945, published in PBA 30 (1944): 303-57]; “God’s Wenches and the Light that Spoke (Some Notes on Langland’s Kind of Poetry)” (199-217) (in English and Medieval Studies Presented to J. R. R. Tolkien on the Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, ed. Norman Davis and C. L. Wrenn (London: Allan & Unwin, 1962), 200-18].
Rev. Helen Cooper, N&Q ns 36 (1989): 226.