Title Background

Scripture and the Prudent Ymaginatif.

Scripture and the Prudent Ymaginatif.

B. 11 is best thought to comprise two inner dreams, the Land of Longing and the appearance of Lewte (B. 11. 5-106), and Kynde and Reason on the Mountain (B.11.320-406). These dreams flank the continuation of Scripture’s sermon (begun in B.10) as imaginative translations of doctrine into concrete imagery more accessible to the Dreamer in his present spiritual state. In the Land of Longing the Dreamer acts out the roles of the originally invited guests of Luke’s version of the parable of the wedding feast; Lewte, translated from Scripture’s sermon, may be seen as an analogue to the parable’s wedding garment, insofar as he reminds the Dreamer that baptism, like the law, must be fulfilled in spirit. In the second inner dream, the Dreamer occupies the position of Adam in the prelapsarian world of Genesis; he is not yet able to move from observations of nature to thoughts of his creator and recommits Adam and Eve’s sin. Imaginatif first translates Scripture’s sermon into a prudential vision that exposes the Dreamer’s precarious position, then, in the second inner dream, mediates between the sensual and intellectual world.