Representing Righteous Heathens in Late Medieval England
Chapter 1, ‘The Trouble with Trajan’, elaborates upon ‘PPl, St. Erkenwald, and the Rule of Exceptional Salvations’, YLS, 6 (1992), 63–88 (see no. 31, ‘Annual Bibliography, 1992’, YLS, 7 (1993), pp. 188–89), adding a discussion of Anima’s promotion of evangelism in B.15 to the treatment of L’s Trajan and St Erkenwald. Part of Chapter 3, ‘The Middle English Alexander’, draws upon the author’s essay ‘Contextualizing Alexander and Dindimus‘, YLS, 18 (2004), 81–106 (see no. 15, ‘Annual Bibliography, 2004’, YLS, 19 (2005), p. 250).