An Annotated Critical Bibliography of Langland
Six hundred and fourteen annotated items, from the time of Skeat to 1988, arranged chronologically under the following general categories: Bibliographical Studies; Editions (of a Whole Text); Discussions of Manuscripts, Text and Editorial Practice; Editions of Portions of the Poem, and of Extracts; Translations; The Authorship Controversy; The Author; His Dialect; Date; Meter; Sources; Literary Relationships; Social and Historical (including Legal) Contexts and Reference; Allegory; Dream Vision and the Role of the Dreamer; Use of Language; Style, Metaphor, Imagery and Word-play; Discussion of the General Significance in the Narrative of Particular Episodes and Passages; General Interpretative Studies; Piers Plowman and the Visual Arts.
Rev. Vincent DiMarco, YLS 5 (1991): 202-06; James Simpson, N&Q ns 38 (1991): 358-59; Anna Baldwin, YES 22 (1992): 265-67.