The Piers Plowman Electronic Archive Vol. 2: Cambridge, Vol. 2: Cambridge, Trinity College, MS. B.15.17 (W).
Rev. by:
- J. T. Sebastian, YLS 15 (2001): 219-27;
- A. Galloway, Choice 39 (2001);
- Brian Morgan. MAE 71.1 (2002): 142-43;
- Anne Middleton, HLQ 64.1-2 (2001): 161-86 (no. 1435);
- Andrew Galloway, JEGP: The Journal of English & Germanic Philology 103 (2004): 232-52 (see no. 1771);
- Brian Morgan, Medium Ævum, 71 (2002), 142;
- Stephen A. Barney, Studies in the Age of Chaucer, 34 (2012), 396-401.