Derek Pearsall Research & Travel Fund
The Morton W. Bloomfield and Medieval Fund, Harvard University
The New Chaucer Society
The Early Book Society
Anonymous (2)
Amy Appleford and Nicholas Watson
Candace Barrington
Christopher Baswell
Michael Bennett
Jessica Brantley
Douglas Bruster and Elizabeth Scala
Ardis Butterfield
Mary Carruthers
Cristina Maria Cervone
Rita Copeland and David Wallace
Ian Cornelius
Susan Crane
H. M. Cushman
Richard Dance
Daniel J. Daly
Henry Doss
Irina Dumitrescu
Richard Emmerson
Robert Epstein
Ruth Evans
Susanna Fein and David Raybin
Elizabeth Fowler
Vincent Gillespie
R James Goldstein
Thomas Goodmann
Eugene Green
Richard Firth Green
Marjorie Harrington
Leigh Harrison
Marlene Hennessy
Sarah Kelen
Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
James Knowles
V A Kolve
Traugott Lawler
David Lawton
Yin Liu
Thomas Long
Kathryn Lowe
Amanda Luyster
Kathryn Lynch
Jill Mann
Ziva Mann
Priscilla Martin
Sarah McNamer
Robert Meyer-Lee
Daniel Mosser
Susan Phillips
Susan Powell
Mary Raschko
Elizabeth Robertson
Wendy Scase
Anne Schotter
Barbara Shailor
George Shuffelton
James Simpson
Emily Steiner
Paul Strohm
Yoshimichi Suematsu
Satoko Tokunaga
Stephanie Trigg
Gwen Urdang-Brown
Míċeál Vaughan
Claire Waters
Edward Wheatley
Nicolette Zeeman
Anne Middleton Book Prize Fund
Anonymous (3)
Katharine Breen
Christopher Cannon
Mary Carruthers
Rita Copeland
Ian Cornelius
Henry Doss
Vincent Gillespie
R James Goldstein
Thomas Goodmann
Curtis Gruenler
Leigh Harrison
Kathryn Kerby-Fulton
David Lawton
Eugene Lyman
David Matthews
Robert Meyer-Lee
Maura Nolan
Sandra Pierson Prior
Masha Raskolnikov
Gene Rochlin
Martha Rust
Wendy Scase
Elizabeth Schirmer
Stephanie Trigg
Lawrence Warner
Claire Waters
Nicolette Zeeman
Katherine Zieman
Help raise the barn!