Derek Pearsall Travel and Research Grants
IPPS is pleased to announce the 2023 recipients of grants from theĀ Derek Pearsall Travel and Research Fund:
Emily Youree, a PhD candidate at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Pearsall fund supported her research trip to the National Archives in London to investigate records of historical criminal gangs and the legal proceedings against them, as well as her presentation at the International Piers Plowman Society Conference, “‘I shal apeire yow alle’: Meed, Piers, and Outlawry in Piers Plowman.”
Liam Cruz Kelly, a PhD candidate at Boston University, whose dissertation examines the symbol of the plow in medieval English literature. The Pearsall fund supported his presentation “The Virtuous Plow” at the International Piers Plowman Society Conference.