Honoring Derek Pearsall & Anne Middleton

Prize & Fund


Derek Pearsall

This fund honours Derek Pearsall (1931-2021), a medievalist who delighted in drawing people together and introducing scholars, especially younger ones, into conversations where they were not yet known.

With his wide interests, his breadth of knowledge, his tremendous curiosity, his love to see everything there was to be seen, he was an eager researcher and conference goer.

Anne Middleton Book Prize

Anne Middleton

The IPPS is delighted to announce the Anne Middleton Book Prize, to be awarded to the best book, published over a two-year period, substantively concerned with the literary, historical, religious, intellectual, textual-codicological, and critical contexts of Piers Plowman and related poetry and prose in the traditions of didactic and allegorical alliterative writing.

Since 1987

Yearbook of Langland Studies

The Yearbook of Langland Studies is the sole journal devoted to Piers Plowman and associated works. Since 1987, YLS has significantly shaped the expanding critical attention to the poem. Each volume — including essays, notes and interviews, reviews, and an annual annotated bibliography — offers access to the most significant and up-to-date scholarship on the poem and its literary, historical, codicological, and critical contexts. YLS welcomes articles and notes that deal with Piers Plowman and related poetry and prose in the traditions of didactic and allegorical alliterative writing, as well as with the historical, religious, intellectual, and codicological contexts of these works.

International Piers Plowman Society

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Al this I seigh slepyng, and seven sythes more

B. Prologue, 231